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Accidentally Together Page 9

  The laughter faded and they stilled. ‘This will be over soon, if I’ve got anything to do about it.’

  Lauren took her hand. ‘You’ll never know how much those words mean to me.’

  ‘I think I do.’

  They looked into each other’s eyes, unspoken words passing between them.

  Lauren’s stomach growled, breaking the moment, and they laughed again.

  ‘Okay, I can take a hint,’ Emma said to Lauren’s stomach. ‘You need feeding and I know just the thing.’

  She rose to her feet.

  ‘Where’re you going?’

  ‘To Waitrose. I’m going to make you a three-course meal courtesy of Jamie Oliver.’


  ‘Indeed. So go and watch the telly or something, and I’ll be back in twenty minutes, max.’ She pecked Lauren on the cheek as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. ‘Do you like Banoffee pie?’

  ‘Do I ever! You’re not going to attempt to make it, are you?’

  ‘Just watch me,’ Emma said and was gone before Lauren could say another word.

  Hearing the front door shut, Lauren rose and stood a few feet away from the window, gazing across at her apartment. She wrapped her arms around herself, remembering the warmth of Emma’s embrace. Lauren had felt safe in her arms—something she hadn’t experienced in a very long time.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Stalked! The word kept flashing in Emma’s mind as she cooked, poured the wine, and served the food. Even while they ate she tried to get her head around it. Mike had driven Lauren away from family and friends—and me—without giving anyone a say in the matter. Rage tore at her heart; for fourteen years, Lauren had suffered the loss of a carefree life because some bastard got his kicks from scaring people. If she had known this when she witnessed the burglary, she would have been the first person to run up to Lauren’s apartment, taking her chances against the intruder.

  She forced down every morsel of food with a mouthful of wine, swallowing around the lump in her throat. Now that she knew the reason for Lauren’s disappearance and who was responsible, she wanted to hunt Mike down and throttle him with her bare hands.

  Taking Lauren to confront Mike would expose him as the coward he really was—a coward who had tormented her from the shadows. While Emma’s emotional turmoil raged within, Lauren rubbed her stomach and leant back in her chair, stretching her feet out beneath the table.

  ‘Oh my word, I feel so guilty.’

  ‘Why?’ Emma asked, pushing away her half-eaten plate and picking up her wineglass.

  ‘You prepared a three-course meal and won’t even let me help clean up.’

  ‘’Cause you’re my guest.’

  Lauren gave her a crooked smile. ‘I can’t remember the last time I was this relaxed. It seems like forever.’

  ‘I’m not surprised. I don’t know how I’d cope with having to constantly look over my shoulder. It must have—must be terrifying.’ Emma had managed to refrain from talking about Mike for most of the day because she didn’t want to sour their time together, but she had to broach the subject. If Lauren were a client, she wouldn’t sit around pretending like there wasn’t a white elephant in the room.

  ‘It is. Sometimes I feel like going to the Amazon and disappearing forever.’

  ‘Don’t you dare. Now that I’ve found you, I don’t want to lose you again.’

  Lauren straightened in her seat. ‘Emma, you do know I can’t stay—in England, that is—whether it turns out to be Mike or not.’

  Emma kept her voice level despite the suffocating tightness in her throat. ‘Is that because you don’t want to, or—’

  ‘I’ve always wanted to come back,’ Lauren cut in. ‘More than anything, but my whole life is in Paris.’ She gave Emma a sad smile, eyes shining with unexpected tears. ‘Besides, even if it is him. It might not change anything. I can’t live my life in the shadows, looking over my shoulder, constantly scared of opening the front door …’

  Without thinking, Emma slid from her chair and knelt in front of Lauren. ‘You won’t have to. It’s Mike who’s harassing you. I know it is. Trust me, after tomorrow, you’ll be leading a normal life again.’

  Lauren’s jaw set. ‘I want that more than anything in the world—well, almost anything. It was hard, you know.’

  ‘What was?’

  ‘Leaving you. I mean, I couldn’t take them bullying you anymore—that’s why I kissed you—only …’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘Only I wasn’t expecting the connection I felt. The intense attraction—it was mad.’

  After all these years, I finally know why she kissed me.

  A note of tension crept into Emma’s voice. ‘Why didn’t you get in touch, or at least tell me you were going? When you kissed me … it turned my world upside down.’

  ‘Has your life turned upright since?’

  ‘No,’ she admitted.

  Emma held her breath while Lauren held her gaze; Lauren’s grey eyes burrowed into her. Emma licked the curve of her lip, her mouth suddenly dry.

  Lauren rose from her chair and pulled Emma to her feet. ‘Am I making you uncomfortable?’

  ‘Not at all. I’m not easily shaken.’ Her heart was pounding so hard it actually hurt. Heat emanated from Lauren’s body, and Emma resisted the urge to fan herself.

  ‘Is that right?’ Lauren asked with a slow smile.


  ‘So I’m wasting my time then?’ Lauren said teasingly as she took a small step back.

  ‘Hey, I didn’t say that, did I?’ The smell of Lauren’s perfume intoxicated her. Emma slid her arm around Lauren’s waist and drew her near. Thoughts of remaining platonic were banished from her mind. ‘I should have added, I’m not easily shaken, most of the time.’

  ‘Are you shaken now?’ Lauren asked, gazing at her from under her lashes.

  Emma held up her free hand, her eyes dropping to Lauren’s chest and the curves of her breasts. ‘Trembling.’

  Lauren pressed her thigh between Emma’s legs. ‘Is that because of me?’

  Everything below Emma’s waist was throbbing and burning as if it had a life of its own. ‘All because of you.’

  With the tip of her finger, Lauren trailed a line down Emma’s neck. ‘Do you want to—’

  ‘You read my mind.’

  Lauren brushed her lips over Emma’s mouth as she said, ‘I hope we’re on the same page, otherwise I’m in deep trouble if—’

  ‘I’m on page fifty-nine where … where we’re interrupted by the bloody bell,’ Emma said.

  The melodic tune of the doorbell sounded down the hallway. Emma rolled her eyes heavenwards as if some divine intervention could chase the person at the door away so they could carry on with their wonderfully lustful conversation.

  ‘Are you expecting someone?’ Uncertainty replaced the desire in Lauren’s eyes.

  ‘No,’ she murmured, desperate to keep Lauren’s attention on her.

  The doorbell rang again. Feeling Lauren stiffen in her arms, she released her and walked off to answer the intercom. ‘Don’t worry. It’s probably someone pressing the wrong door number. I’ll get rid of them.’


  Emma stepped back into the kitchen and gestured towards Lauren with a sweep of her arm. ‘Surprise. Look who’s here.’

  Lauren craned her neck to see around Emma. If Lauren was as disappointed as Emma was for the interruption, it didn’t show on her face. She looked ecstatic to see a face from her past. Setting aside her own disappointment, Emma was glad to see Lauren happy.

  ‘Hope! Oh my God, it’s so good to see you.’

  Hope’s face remained expressionless, confusion settling in her eyes, and then her mouth curled up. ‘Lauren? Lauren! I never thought I’d see you again.’

  Lauren feigned disappointment. ‘Is that it? No hug?’

  ‘What? Oh, of course. Sorry, I’m just a bit taken aback,’ she said, walking towards her.

  The women
briefly embraced. ‘I thought Emma was kidding when she said you were here. How did you two hook up again? It’s been, what? Over ten years.’

  ‘Fourteen to be precise,’ Emma said, taking a glass from the cupboard and filling it with red wine. She handed it to Hope then refilled Lauren’s glass. Fourteen long, agonising years.

  Maybe I should call my mum and tell her Lauren’s returned. Obviously Emma would leave out the part about the stalker and that Lauren would be returning to Paris in the near future, but at least she could show her mother she wasn’t a lost cause and that her feelings for Lauren hadn’t been a figment of her imagination.

  ‘Where’ve you been hiding all this time?’ Hope asked, sounding critical.

  ‘I haven’t been hiding anywhere. I went to Paris to study, that’s all.’

  Hope snorted. ‘Without saying goodbye to anyone?’

  ‘It was complicated, Hope,’ Emma broke in irritably.

  ‘Complicated?’ Hope repeated as if she hadn’t heard her right.

  ‘Lauren, just tell her the truth.’ Emma touched Lauren’s arm and nodded at the questioning look in her eyes.

  Hope watched them suspiciously as she shrugged off her jacket and hung it over the back of the chair. ‘What truth?’

  Lauren lowered her gaze to her hands. Seconds passed before she spoke. ‘Okay, the truth is … I left because someone was stalking me.’

  ‘Stalking you?’ Hope laughed. ‘No, really, why did you leave?’ Her gaze shifted from her stepsister to Lauren, and seeing that neither of them was playing a prank on her, she asked, ‘A stalker? For real? You weren’t exactly famous back then. Why would anyone stalk you? No offence, you were magnificently beautiful—you still are, I have to say—but a stalker? That’s just bizarre!’

  Lauren gave a resigned shrug. ‘God knows why. I barely understand it myself.’

  ‘And now the stalker is back,’ Emma said matter-of-factly. ‘We think it’s Mike Foster.’

  Mockery invaded Hope’s stare. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. That weedy twerp? How could he possibly know Lauren is in London?’

  ‘It’s true. The day I bumped into him, my apartment was burgled. Then yesterday I received a note through my door asking why my lights were still on.’

  Hope walked to the window and peered outside. ‘Are you saying he could be following you?’ She turned back so fast her dark hair swung around her head. ‘And you came here, putting Emma in danger?’

  ‘That’s a bit dramatic, Hope,’ Emma said. ‘It’s Mike we’re talking about.’

  ‘Is it? Is it really? And you know this for sure how?’ Hope asked Lauren.

  Lauren shook her head. ‘I don’t have any evidence, if that’s what you mean, but—’

  ‘So you don’t know. You’re basically a sitting duck. A sitting duck hiding out in my sister’s apartment.’

  ‘All right, that’s enough,’ Emma protested, but Lauren raised a hand to stop her.

  ‘No, Hope’s right. I shouldn’t be here. I am placing you in danger if Mike isn’t responsible. I wasn’t thinking straight.’

  ‘You,’ Emma said, pointing at Lauren, ‘stay right where you are.’ She grabbed Hope by the arm. ‘And you, come with me!’

  Emma marched Hope to the living room and closed the door behind them before starting on her.

  ‘What the hell are you playing at?’ Emma hissed, keeping her voice at a level that wouldn’t travel to the kitchen.

  Hope looked at her incredulously. ‘Me? You should be asking her that question.’

  ‘I’m asking you. Why were you so horrible to her?’

  Hope’s mouth was set in a sullen grimace. ‘I’m looking out for you.’

  ‘And I’m looking out for her. She needs my help.’

  ‘Stop playing the bloody saviour for once in your life. She’s trouble. I wouldn’t put it past her to make this whole thing up to tug on your heartstrings. Oh look, she’s already got under your skin again. Isn’t it the truth that history repeats itself?’

  ‘Have you quite finished slagging Lauren off.’ Emma paused, taking in a deep, steadying breath before speaking again. ‘Look, if you can’t be civil, I’d prefer it if you left.’

  ‘Leave? Are you joking?’ She folded her arms. ‘I’ve been by your side for more than half your life, and you want to toss me aside for her?’

  She touched Hope’s arm and gently said, ‘No, of course not. I’m sorry. I’m just asking for you to show a little compassion.’

  ‘Like she did for you when she left and broke your heart?’ Hope wasn’t giving an inch.

  ‘You know why—’

  ‘Yeah, Mike the stalker. How could I forget?’

  ‘We’re going round in circles here. I want you to play nice. Can you do that? For me?’

  Hope rolled her eyes. ‘If I have to.’

  ‘Yes, you have to.’

  On her way back to the kitchen through the hallway, Emma straightaway noticed the front door was ajar.

  ‘Lauren?’ she called out and checked the kitchen. Empty. She rushed back to the front door and peeked into the corridor, looking from left to right. Not seeing her, she went back to the living room. ‘She’s gone! Hope, she left!’

  ‘Good! Let her dump her problems on someone else.’ Hope stood in the living room with her arms folded, looking smug.

  ‘Just shut up. For once in your life, know when to shut the fuck up!’

  Emma raced out of the apartment and slammed the door behind her in frustration.

  She rushed to the stairwell and looked down. Nothing. Pressing the lift button, Emma tapped her foot. Please don’t let her have heard what Hope said.


  The lift door opened and Emma rushed out into the darkness, shoving her arms into her jacket as she checked the street for any sign of Lauren. Her mind was so focused on Lauren and her safety that she didn’t hear the stranger come up behind her.

  ‘Hey!’ a voice said.

  Shocked by the unexpected presence, Emma’s hand flew to her mouth to stifle a scream. Is it Mike? Did he follow Lauren to my building? The harder she tried to calm her mind, the more frantic it became.

  As she tensed, ready to turn, the man spoke again. ‘Ms Clary? Don’t be scared. I just want to talk. Honest.’

  How does he know my name? She frowned. Whoever it was, he didn’t sound threatening, nor did he sound like a grown man. More like a very well-spoken, educated young boy whose voice had recently broken. Reassured that whoever was behind her meant no harm, she turned to face him.

  A small gasp escaped her lips. The person standing in front of her couldn’t have been much older than eighteen. He was tall and painfully thin, but it was his face—in particular, the large swollen eye—that drew her attention. It looked like the man had gone one round in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson. The rest of his face wasn’t any better: swollen red lumps, a split lip, one very black eye, bruised cheeks. Whoever had done this to him had wanted to go beyond hurting him. She’d go as far as to say that death had been on his attacker’s mind.

  ‘How do you know my name?’ she asked, unable to take her gaze away from his eye. She’d never seen anything like it in real life. The stretched skin, painted deep purple with bruising that looked black in places, shone. His eye was almost swollen shut. He must have been in agony from it, let alone from the other cuts and bruises.

  ‘I’m sorry to bother you like this …’

  Emma narrowed her eyes and leant forward to get a better look at him. Her senses were detecting something, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  ‘I followed you from work yesterday to find out where you live. I was too scared to approach you then. Anyway, I woke up this morning with a bit more courage so I’ve been hanging around today on the off chance you’d go to the shops.’

  ‘Why? Why would you do that?’ she asked angrily.

  ‘Because I need to speak to you.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘About Louise.’

a! That was it. Something else clicked, and Emma peered closer at the young man in the dim light of the streetlamp. He wasn’t a he, but a she, though it was very easy to mistake her for a man with her close-cropped hair and puffy jacket. Did she assault Louise?

  ‘How do you know Louise?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m her friend, Jay. I know what you must have heard about me, but it’s not true—’

  ‘Are you fucking kidding me? You assaulted an innocent young girl and you followed me home.’

  ‘Please, look, Ms Clary, please look at my phone.’ Jay thrust her phone into Emma’s face. It showed Louise with her arms around Jay’s neck, kissing her lips. ‘This picture was taken just before her dad came in and caught us.’

  ‘Showing me a picture doesn’t mean you didn’t assault her.’ Emma hurried across the road, still scanning the area for any sign of Lauren. ‘Seriously, you need to back off before I call the police and get you charged with harassment.’

  Jay followed her, fiddling with her phone. ‘Okay, okay. Please, just read this and I swear I’ll go. Please. Look at the date.’

  Emma couldn’t tell whether her pained expression was because of her injuries or the memory of the beating she’d taken. Reluctantly, she stopped walking and took the phone. She read the WhatsApp messages between Louise and Jay, dated the previous evening. The last few messages were telling:

  Louise: sorry for what my dad did. R u ok?

  Jay: yeah. Worried bout you tho

  Louise: Don’t, i love you

  Jay: love you too babe

  ‘I take it Louise’s father did that to your face,’ Emma said, giving her the benefit of the doubt and handing back her phone. She noted that Louise had been offline since Jay’s last message and could only assume that her parents had taken her phone away. Emma started walking towards Lauren’s building, Jay close behind her.

  Jay snorted. ‘That’s nothing compared to the rest of my body.’

  ‘Look, just tell me what you want. I have to be somewhere.’

  ‘Thank you for believing me.’